
Purpose of Questions in Therapy

Therapy is a structured and confidential process designed to help individuals address personal challenges, explore emotions, and work towards positive change. Here's what you need to know about therapy and privacy:

You might ask yourself, what is the purpose of asking certain questions in therapy? Therapists ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of your concerns, history, relationships, and goals.

This information helps them provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs.

Therapists are trained to maintain professional boundaries and respect your privacy. They will not ask intrusive or inappropriate questions without a valid therapeutic reason. If you feel uncomfortable with any question, you can express that to your therapist.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

What is Confidentiality?

Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of therapy and is essential for building trust between the therapist and the client. We understand that coming to counseling requires courage, vulnerability, and trust. You need to feel completely comfortable opening up about personal issues without fear of judgment or breach of privacy. That’s why confidentiality is so important! La confidencialidad es un aspecto fundamental de la terapia y es esencial para generar confianza entre el terapeuta y el cliente. Entendemos que acudir a asesoramiento requiere valentía, vulnerabilidad y confianza. Debe sentirse completamente cómodo hablando de cuestiones personales sin temor a ser juzgado o violar la privacidad. ¡Por eso la confidencialidad es tan importante!

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