I can’t sleep… ugh

There are very basic needs every human needs to survive: air, water, food, shelter, sleep, and clothing. The lack of these basic needs can cause complications in our medical health, mental health, overall wellbeing, and how we are able to achieve our needs beyond the basics. 

Ellie has experienced how it feels when one of these basic needs is not being met. She cannot seem to get a decent night's sleep, whether it is sleeping too much, not enough, difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up. Without sleep she has become depressed and anxious day to day but also dreads the nights knowing that sleep is going to be difficult. Ellie is tired during the day no matter what it seems and is finding it hard to function at work and even just socializing with friends and family. She now experiences extreme anxiety surrounding sleep and is becoming desperate to feel rested and be able to sleep. She started having difficulties a few months ago and now has troubles sleeping most nights a week.

Ellie has been diagnosed with Insomnia which affects  30% of adults in the United States and an even larger number report inadequate sleep or sleep disturbances. Without necessary sleep we can see our mental health decline and can become depressed or have anxiety. In Ellie’s case she has started to feel isolated because she has withdrawn from the people in her life. This lack of sleep negatively impacts her day to day life and is looking for ways to change. 

Here are some tips for when sleep seems impossible

5 Things to do when you cannot sleep

Seek Medical and/or Mental Healthcare

When it comes to sleep it is important to seek healthcare whether it be your general practitioner or a psychiatrist. It could be a medical condition or sleep disorder, and gone untreated sleep disorders can cause lasting problems. Professionals can also help provide you with necessary medication, treatments, or counseling. 

Sleep Environment

Where we sleep can have a huge impact on how we sleep. A positive sleep environment emphasizes the bedroom as a place to sleep and not use for other purposes such as work or lounging and binge watching Netflix. Turning your bed into a sleep only space helps train your mind into thinking it is only bedtime. Things that will also help create a good sleep environment is being sure to limit light and sounds in the room. 

Sleep Hygiene

Having healthy sleep hygiene means doing things that improve your quality of sleep and avoid things that lead to inadequate sleep. An example of health sleep hygiene is creating a bedtime or night routine. Creating a step by step plan can help get you ready for bed and ensure you are practicing healthy habits. Things to avoid would be no screens in bed. Blue light from phone and tablet screens and light from TV screens can have a negative impact on our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Relaxation Techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques can help calm the stress anxiety that is either a result from lack of sleep or is the cause. Meditation before sleep and when you wake up can help ground you and set a positive headspace.  

Food/Drink Diet

The things we eat and drink can also negatively impact sleep. By limiting caffeine and sugar intake, and drinking water and eating healthier you can see a change in your sleep and energy levels.  

It may seem like you will never sleep or feel well rested but it is possible. Implementing the tips above and seeking professional treatment can make a world of difference. Once you begin sleeping and regaining that you will see the benefits outside that. 

Need to talk to someone about your struggle with sleep?

Schedule a Session at Restoring Hope Counseling Today.

Restoring Hope Counseling has multiple Therapists on staff with some who are able to take insurance, and some who are interns and provisionally licensed staff, who can provide counseling at a discounted rate. They all provide in Person or Telehealth sessions. Visit our “Meet our Team” page or contact us for further information to help you find the person who is the best fit for you.


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