
Purpose of Questions in Therapy

Therapy is a structured and confidential process designed to help individuals address personal challenges, explore emotions, and work towards positive change. Here's what you need to know about therapy and privacy:

You might ask yourself, what is the purpose of asking certain questions in therapy? Therapists ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of your concerns, history, relationships, and goals.

This information helps them provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs.

Therapists are trained to maintain professional boundaries and respect your privacy. They will not ask intrusive or inappropriate questions without a valid therapeutic reason. If you feel uncomfortable with any question, you can express that to your therapist.

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anxiety, depression, self esteem, self-worth Sylvia Ruiz anxiety, depression, self esteem, self-worth Sylvia Ruiz

There are no Taboos in Mental Health!

Taboos in mental health refer to societal stigmas, misconceptions, or cultural norms that discourage open discussion, acknowledgment, or acceptance of mental health issues. These taboos can contribute to feelings of shame, isolation, and reluctance to seek help among individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Reducing these feelings associated with mental health taboos requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses societal attitudes, promotes awareness and education, and fosters supportive environments.

Los tabúes en salud mental se refieren a estigmas sociales, conceptos erróneos o normas culturales que desalientan el debate abierto, el reconocimiento o la aceptación de los problemas de salud mental. Estos tabúes pueden contribuir a sentimientos de vergüenza, aislamiento y renuencia a buscar ayuda entre las personas que experimentan problemas de salud mental. Reducir estos sentimientos asociados con los tabúes de salud mental requiere un enfoque multifacético que aborde las actitudes sociales, promueva la conciencia y la educación y fomente entornos de apoyo.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Positive Note

Positivity is a great way to support a client to become more optimistic that involves providing encouragement, fostering hope, and helping them shift their perspective toward a more positive outlook on life. Our fantastic therapist, Brianna Peed, LPC-A says that she likes to end every one of her sessions on a positive note having the person reflect on a couple of things they feel proud of themselves for from the week or just some things that have been going well. La positividad es una excelente manera de ayudar a un cliente a volverse más optimista, lo que implica brindar aliento, fomentar la esperanza y ayudarlo a cambiar su perspectiva hacia una perspectiva más positiva de la vida. Nuestra fantástica terapeuta, Brianna Peed, LPC-A, dice que le gusta terminar cada una de sus sesiones con una nota positiva, haciendo que la persona reflexione sobre un par de cosas por las que se siente orgullosa de sí misma durante la semana o simplemente sobre algunas cosas que han sido va bien.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

What is Confidentiality?

Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of therapy and is essential for building trust between the therapist and the client. We understand that coming to counseling requires courage, vulnerability, and trust. You need to feel completely comfortable opening up about personal issues without fear of judgment or breach of privacy. That’s why confidentiality is so important! La confidencialidad es un aspecto fundamental de la terapia y es esencial para generar confianza entre el terapeuta y el cliente. Entendemos que acudir a asesoramiento requiere valentía, vulnerabilidad y confianza. Debe sentirse completamente cómodo hablando de cuestiones personales sin temor a ser juzgado o violar la privacidad. ¡Por eso la confidencialidad es tan importante!

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Externalizing a Part/Symptom using Light Stream Meditation

The concept of "parts work" in therapy is often associated with Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. Parts work involves exploring and understanding the different parts of an individual's internal system, each representing distinct emotions, beliefs, memories, and functions.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Anger Iceberg

The Anger Iceberg is a therapeutic technique used in mental health counseling to explore and understand the underlying emotions beneath anger. It is based on the idea that anger is often a surface-level emotion that masks deeper, more complex feelings. The iceberg metaphor suggests that just as only a small portion of an iceberg is visible above the waterline, anger is just the tip of the emotional iceberg.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

How to be an ally supporting Transgender and Nonbinary

The first step in becoming a better ally to the transgender and nonbinary is to learn more. There are many things you may not know, and you will probably make some mistakes along the way. It is crucial to understand that it is okay to make mistakes along the way as long as we learn from them. To be an ally is to put in some of the work on your own. It is not the responsibility of the LGBTQ+ community to educate you. You must take accountability and put in work/research.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Managing Teen Emotions

Being a teen is tough stuff. I mean can you remember back to when you were in middle/high school? All of the stress of keeping up with grades, latest trends, parent demands, extracurricular activities, and as if that wasn’t enough, all of the drama! The drama between couples, friends, and home was at times just too much to bear.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Loneliness in the Social Media Age

It is human nature to want to feel belonging. To want to be a part of something. To feel connected to someone or something. COVID felt very isolating for many people. Many individuals had to seclude themselves to avoid COVID or spreading it to others. It was and may still feel like a very disruptive time in society and an individual’s lives. Since then, for many life has felt very different. So, what changed?

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Real Talk

Reducing self-criticism is a valuable step toward improving mental health and fostering a more positive self-image. Identify and challenge negative thoughts about yourself. Consider whether these thoughts are based on facts or distorted perceptions. Replace negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Reinventing Yourself

Take time to reflect on your values, interests, and goals. Consider how your current self aligns with these aspects. This self-awareness can provide a foundation for accepting and understanding your evolving identity. Establish intentions or goals for your self-reflection practice. Outline what you hope to achieve, whether it's personal growth, enhanced self-awareness, or improved decision-making.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Challenging Yourself

Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to oneself with the intention of fostering a positive mindset and changing one's beliefs or thought patterns. Sylvia Ruiz, LPC-A bilingual spanish therapy latinx latino latina hispanic houston texas 77069

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to oneself with the intention of fostering a positive mindset and changing one's beliefs or thought patterns.

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Sylvia Ruiz Sylvia Ruiz

Assessing Dissociation

Dissociation is a complex psychological phenomenon characterized by a disconnection between thoughts, identity, consciousness, and memory. It is typically assessed through clinical interviews, self-report measures, and observations of behavior. Dissociative symptoms are associated with various mental health conditions, such as dissociative disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other trauma-related disorders. If you are concerned about dissociative symptoms or are seeking an assessment, it's important to consult with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or clinical social worker. T

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Finding the Right Provider- Destigmatizing: Part 6

As I finalize this series on destigmatizing mental health in the Hispanic/Latinx community, I want you to walk away with empowerment to find the right mental health provider for yourself and understand how to go about looking for the right provider for you. Culture, beliefs, personal norms and values, and language are key to all aspects of our lives, including our mental health.

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Natural Remedies and Faith- Destigmatizing: Part 5

Some members of Hispanic/Latinx rely on curanderos (healers) and home remedies to deal with health problems. Mental health is no exception. If these methods are important to you and help you, keep using them. Natural home remedies can be essential in your healing process. However, we encourage you to consider finding a mental health professional.

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Privacy Concerns- Destigmatizing: Part 3

Privacy concerns is another issue that needs to be considered when it comes to the Hispanic/Latinx community. Many of us know the saying: "dirty clothes are washed at home". Members of the Hispanic/Latinx community tend to be reserved and do not share in public the problems they face at home. Don't worry, seeking mental health care doesn't mean you'll lose your privacy.

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Lack of Information- Destigmatizing: Part 2

As I have been talking about destigmatizing mental health within the Hispanic/Latinx community, there are different reasons that prevent Hispanic/Latinx from seeking and receiving quality care. There are several issues to consider and one of them being is:

Lack of Information and Confusion Regarding Mental Health

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